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12-inch Lunar Globe, scale 1:10 400 000, made up of twelve photographic printed gores showing the terrain recorded by automatic planetary station Lunik 3 in October 1959, the unrecorded areas left blank, labeled in red and black, showing the point of impact of Soviet moon rocket Lunik 2 on September 13, 1959, lunar mares and craters, in calibrated half-meridian, on wood base, ht. 19 in. Printed explanation: "The map material was prepared by the Central Research Institute of Geodesy. Aerial Photography and Cartography together with the Shternberg State Astronomic Institute of the U.S.S.R. All the names shown have been adopted by the International Astronomic Union, The names of those formations not visible from the Earth are printed in red." No significant repairs, losses or restoration.


