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Adhesive Vinyl Photo Paper on Epiphone Les Paul guitar. After graduating from film school, Timothy D. Kanieski returned to Cleveland, and began working several odd jobs to get by. At one point, he was cleaning houses and was asked to clear out someone’s attic. While taking boxes to the trash he spotted an old camera that was slated to be tossed. An old camera, certainly, but it seemed fine. Almost immediately, Tim began snapping shots, framing the pictures, and giving them to people. The quench of needing to be behind a camera again, was filled. Never taking a photography class, he learned much through trial and error. Eventually, through word of mouth, he was being commissioned to take photographs. Renting a studio space, where he built a darkroom and framed his own pictures, Tim began selling his work on a regular basis. During this time, he also entered many juried and non-juried art shows, where he has won several awards. Tim began displaying some pieces in Eye Candy Gallery, and started his company, Kanieski Photography. Kanieski Photography has been contracted by various development and marketing companies to take pictures for corporate websites, flyers, pamphlets, etc. However, while the direction of his craft has been pulled into corporate work, location scouting and gallery work keep Timothy passionate about photography. Categories: Les Paul

Juliens Auctions

Juliens Auctions


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Adhesive Vinyl Photo Paper on Epiphone Les Paul guitar. Signed by Michael Stanley. After graduating from film school, Timothy D. Kanieski returned to Cleveland, Read more…

Juliens Auctions
