[Miscellaneous] A Collection of Vintage and Classic Conjuring Books. Approximately two shelves, including the Oswald Rae trilogy Between Ourselves (1926), Sub Rosa (1928), and The More You Watch (1938); Hugard’s Annual of Magic 1937 and 1938 – 39; The Magic 36 (1943) by Houghton; Out of a Handkerchief (1942) by Jacobs; Al Baker’s Mental Magic (1949); Dick Daring’s Bag of Tricks and New Bag of Tricks (1940s); Watch This One! (1947); Magic in the Modern Manner (1949) by Meyer; The Modern Conjurer (1947) by Neil; Oriental Magic and Conjuring (1981) by Ayling and Sharpe; Blyth’s Paper Magic and Match-Stick books (1920s); plus Methods for Miracles Nrs. 1 – 8 (1950s) by Willane; Annemann’s Mental Effects (1963); Modern Magician’s Hand Book (1902) by Hilliar; Up-To-Date Conjuring (ca. 1910s) by Walker and Walker; and many others. Together with Steve Burton’s facsimiles of Hocus Pocus Junior (1996; Number 68 of 300 copies) and Sports and Pastimes (1999; Number 165 of 300 copies). Sizes and bindings vary, but generally clothbound 8vos. Predominantly 1920s – 40s, and most very good.

Potter & Potter