Sold for:

15-inch Ebony Octant, 19th century, with ivory scale calibrated 0-90, brass index arm, locking thumbscrew, and ivory vernier reading 0-20, sighting pinnula, mirror magnifier, sun shades, unmarked ivory maker's plaque on cross-arm, and pencil handle, two retail labels on inside lid from "R. L. Shaw Beekman N.Y." and "Kagger & Brothers Baltimore," handwritten note reading: "Quadrant Used by Capt. Simeon H... on the Florance Shay in the days of the clipper ships," housed in a mahogany keyhole case. Note: The sale/purchase and exportation/importation of ivory and all other endangered species may fall under various federal, state, and international restrictions. The buyer of this lot is solely responsible for understanding all applicable restrictions prior to purchase.


