Manner of Claude Monet (French, 1840-1926), early 20th century. "Haystack", oil on wood panel, inscribed to top indistinguishably. An Impressionist landscape painting depicting a single farmer in a field with tall haystack to left and loose trees to right, the background with rolling hillsides with impressions of structures at center, the low horizon line topped by blue skies with fluid cloud mass in greens, blues, and whites, the whole painted with light impasto. Inscribed to top of composition "a m. L. Laini - Ami du Travail et des artistes (Friend to the workers and the artists). Rochsp??rr?. Framed approximately 14" x 17.125", unframed approximately 13" x 16.125". Provenance: Property from the Private Collection of Helen Ballard, Atlanta, Georgia.

Ahlers & Ogletree Auction Gallery