Assorted Group of Small Decorative Items, an enameled snuff box with transfer motto "May the Rights of Man Never be Invaded by the Power of Kings," a folding pocketknife, a decorative brass level, figural snuff box, and a swivel magnifying glass, a tortoiseshell box, two folding rulers, a tartanware book printed with Robert Burns poetry, an apple-form caddy, a book-form bank, a 1917 booklet titled Important American Game Birds, a tin matchbox, a small "Superior Silver Solder" tin box, a woven silk Stevensgraph Queen Victoria Golden Jubilee souvenir ribbon, a tin teething ring, a glass and tin lantern-form candy container, a miniature Japanese porcelain toby jug, and a small porcelain plate with Brownie transfer decoration, (19 items total).
