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ADAM BRAND "RELATION DU VOYAGE DE MR. EVERT ISBRAND ENVOYE DE SA MAJESTE", AMSTERDAM, 1699, TWO:"Relation Du Voyage de Mr. Evert Isbrand Envoye de sa Mageste (Zarienene a L'Empereur de la Chine en 1692, 93 & 94)" (relating the Trip of Mr. Evert Isbrand Envoy of His Russian Majesty to the Emperor of China in 1692, 1963, 1694) by Adam Brand; 249 pages. Published din Amsterdam, 1699. The book in in a good, moderately worn, condition with a bookplate inside of the front cover. Includes original full calf covers, one copper engraving and a folding map.

Dumouchelle Art Galleries

Dumouchelle Art Galleries
